Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The blog is back!

The blog is back everybody. It's been a while but since I am currently watching the greatest sports network, that not nearly enough people are watching, I felt obligated to tell the world about it.

For those of you who have yet to experience the greatness of the MLB Network, you are missing out. I turned on the MLB Network about 5 minutes ago, after watching the end of the NY Mets game. My MLB Network viewing started with the highlights of the Mets game I had just watched (which was probably being shown on every highlight shown). After watching Ike Davis' awesome catch, the MLB Network then switched to the end of the Chicago Cubs - Florida Marlins game. Once the 9th out was recorded they then went live to the A's - Rangers game, where the A's made a 9th inning comeback.

It's the year 2010, my question is why did it take us so long to have live game look-ins. We have the technology but it has never happened before. If you love baseball and I know many out there do, you must and I repeat, must, watch MLB Network's MLB Tonight Live whenever you want to know and watch what is going on that day in baseball.

It's good to be back and there will be more to come.

P.S. This is for those of you who watch lost and follow baseball but do not religiously read and listen to Bill Simmons articles/podcasts, I give you this little tidbit from Bill Simmons. Justin Smoak the rookie sensation who was recently called up to the majors may have stumbled into the greatness nickname/cultural reference combination possibly ever. Justin Smoak for now and forever will be known as the Smoak Monster. What a perfect nickname!

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